
brambleclaw and hawkfrost feel like monster (warriorsAMV)
disclaimer:ido not claim the audio or own it!!!! time taken on vid: 6 hours and 30 mins approx *few* finally got this done, worked really hard on ...
warriors étoile la guerre des clans lgdc tigre tigerclawn griffe ronces brambleclaw plume faucon hawkfrost

WOTF AMV - Yellowfang and Brokenstar - On my Own
Here's a tribute to Yellowfang, my favourite Warriors character, about her choice to leave Shadowclan and confront Brokenstar/tail. This took a month to ...
warrior croc jaune yellowfang brokenstar étoile brisée wotf amv la guerre des clans lgdc

*ABANDONED* Ravenpaw & Tigerclaw WOTF AMV - The Business of Paper Stars
Here's an unfinished Warriors of the Forest AMV I started a few months back. The song is "The Business of Paper Stars" by Hawthorne Heights. Please do ...
warriors la guerre des clans lgdc étoile tigre tigerclaw nuage jais ravenpaw